Wild Ramps at Deep Creek Lake

Wild Ramps Deep Creek Lake. April is here, and for the Mountains surrounding Deep Creek Lake that means that wild ramps, which are classified as wild leeks, are just about ready to harvest. These wild leeks have a very strong and pungent flavor that taste to me like a mixture between onions, garlic and leeks. My favorite way to eat them is to put them in fried potatoes with some salt and pepper. Cooking them tames down the flavor some but understand they always pack a delicious punch. Eating them raw is another matter. Only the hardcore brave eat these wild treats fresh from the ground. The intense flavor will have you committed to its enjoyment for many, many hours…or days. I’m not sure if tooth brushes and toothpaste ever have a chance at getting the bold taste of ramps off your breath, but when you are up here in the Mountains you are among the majority!