Wisp Community Yard Sale at Deep Creek Lake
Have you had a chance to get the garage cleaned out and finish your spring cleaning? Chances are you have a bunch of stuff cluttering your house, we all do. You know how the old saying goes, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure (or woman’s for that matter)”. “Trash” can be substituted with “cool stuff”. Wisp Resort has a solution to your muddled garages and storage areas. Rent a table and bring things that you have no need for to sell them to people who may love them. Kind of recycling if you may. I can tell you from past events to get there early because you will be rewarded with a vast selection of “stuff” that you will throw down the green for.
On May 18th 9:00am – 3:00pm they will be holding a garage sale for your extra items that will surely help it find a home. Who knows, you may find some neat things and come home with more than you bring. Tables will be rented to host your sale, or just drop by to go shopping. Call 301-387-4911 to reserve your site!