Deep Creek Lake Late Summer
Mystical mornings and crystal clear afternoons have dominated the last couple of weeks here at Deep Creek Lake. Here we are in the middle of August, a month where time seems to slow down with some calculated understanding that slowing your mind down helps your senses focus on what a special time it is here on the lake. This morning the lake was blanketed in a cotton ball fog. From our deck you could see the sun beautifully dissolving the mist revealing another super day here in Garrett County.

Lazy, late summers has a cult attraction for some visitors who understand that the traffic on the lake slowly starts to scatter after last week’s Garrett County Agricultural Fair. Humidity is always low in Garrett County, MD in the summers, but this time of year it seems that it is nonexistent. The clarity and depth of mountain and lake views reigns supreme during the last couple of months before what I hope to be an upcoming Indian summer. Note: Indian summer is an expression given to a period of sunny, warm weather in autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, typically in late October or early November, after the leaves have turned following an onset of frost but before the first snowfall. Source Wikipedia.

I love the soothing lifestyle here on healthy Deep Creek Lake and intend on maximizing every minute away from work enjoying all that it has to offer here in late summer.