Deep Creek Lake Summer Season
So it’s already the beginning of August and summer is chuggin’ in full swing here in Deep Creek Lake. The summer season is progressing at a light speed pace and is teleporting us toward winter, being funneled through some out-of-control vacuum vortex of accelerated time. As we all take in the beautiful summer here in DCL there is an internal alarm clock deep within our brains that quietly starts to pulse, reminding us that summer is slowly inching toward the end of the season.

Deep Creek Lake always boasts a long, exhilarating summer season with special moments that are unique to our individual tastes. In the early hours, when the day is blooming, some soulful dawn patrollers set up on their favorite fishing spots waiting for that legendary hook set, or slalom skiers throwing massive rooster tails on perfect glass, or wake boarders launching huge airs across perfect early morning wake. Whatever it is that makes this lake special to you, remember to enjoy as much of it as you can before the cold weather settles in on us. Don’t panic! We still have a lot of summer left. Just a friendly reminder for you to plan your next trip, in case procrastination or work responsibilities impede on your recreational time.