I was showing property this weekend starting at Thousand Acres when I discovered something with my clients while checking out a waterfront property/dock. I have been on this lake for over 6 summers but have never seen the amount of sailboats out and about, although I have understood that it is the norm. Without sounding corny, you could almost liken the movement of the numerous sailing rigs on the water to a gripping scene at a fine ballet with a symphony playing some world renowned score.
There was a calm amongst the chaos as boats zig zagged through random trajectories trying to juggle the jib, tiller, battens, turn buckle, chain plates, cleats and winches (yeah, I googled those terms!). Actually, the two person crews that captain these sailing rigs had an immense amount of experience and it only seems chaotic for a novice like me…BUT NOT FOR LONG!
I have signed up for the adult Deep Creek Sailing School to get my “wings” or “anchor” or what every term is used after you become a veteran Sailor. After all, my father was a submariner which is kind of close to an actual sailor, so there are bloodlines! DeepCreekSailingSchool offers a week-long sailing school for both adults and juniors beginning with the basics and working up to being able to sail with confidence with any deckhand who has ever swabbed a deck. I talked to a friend last night who has vast experience in sailing who told me that the first thing to do is get a deep understanding of the winds and then apply it to the information learned at the sailing school and that’s just what I’m going to do.
Don’t ever feel it’s too late to find a new passion or love. Life is too short not to find new and exciting things and sailing is at the top of the list at the moment.