Snowmobiling Deep Creek Lake. I consistently discover new things to do, being a “newer” resident at Deep Creek Lake. In a very short time, this special place has offered me opportunities to snowboard, wakeboard, fish, kayak, golf, paddle board, play on a manmade whitewater course, and has even inspired me to pursue photography and painting because of the immense beauty that surrounds me daily. This winter, I have become a snowmobile junkie. My wife, Betsy, and I have looked at DCL and Garrett County through a new and exciting pair of glasses since being introduced to “sledding”. We explore the lake, ride to breakfast and dinner, or just race each other on these 4-stroke Yamaha hotrods across the frozen lake. I have had my sled torqued out to 100 MPH on the smooth icy lake which will start a floodgate of adrenaline senses streaming through your veins and leaving chills of excitement down the back of your neck.
Out of towners and second home residents always give you a raised eyebrow look when you mention that you actually ride across a frozen lake on these monsters, but we are much thicker than the 6” minimum at the moment. We are closer to the 24” mark now. Some nights you will see many huge groups of snowmobilers riding in what looks to be motor cycle gangs. Get up here and join an experienced club so you can safely enjoy a sport that puts you maximizing life! www.gcsnowdrifters.org