Deep Creek Lake-Perseid Meteor Shower. Last night I took my camera and tripod out on the back porch trying to catch a photo of the much anticipated perseid meteor shower that has been all over the news this week. Skies were crystal clear, which made me very hopeful of catching this event using long exposure photography techniques. My eyes took about ten minutes to adjust and to finally get an in-depth view of the billions stars of the Milky Way that exploded overhead. I bumped up my ISO’s and reduced my aperture and focused in on the 219 bridge below with the sky playing background to this special event. Time and time again I randomly pulled the trigger on the camera hoping to be lucky enough to catch a meteor screaming across the sky at light speed. Like clockwork, as soon as the camera finished shooting the shot I would see a brilliant light but MISSING THE SHOWER PHOTO! It was cat and mouse all night trying to get just one photo. At the end of the night the mouse got away with the cheese and I was left with only the memories of this fantastic event and a lot of pictures of airplanes that littered the skies all night. I tried to convince myself that the airplane pics may have been a meteor photo but the dotted red lights where a dead giveaway that I failed. I have one more opportunity tonight to redeem myself and catch one image. Either way, I will be thankful to have another opportunity to do what I did as a child growing up and that is to lie on my back and stare up at the stars with childhood wonder trying to imagine where the universe starts and stops, if there is other life out there, and if the universe goes on for infinity, then what’s after that…?
DAY TWO UPDATE…After clocking 6 + hours of wonderful sky watching, I finally got a few photo’s showing bits of the meteor show! See below my best two efforts… I hope you didn’t miss the show!