Living in the Moment, Creating Memories, Deep Creek Lake. Along this journey of our existence, we find a comfortable place to experience the joys of life with family. We strive to live in the moment and create memories that we will never forget. Memories like a child’s first tube ride, a first time up on water skis, a first time swimming underwater, a first ski run down the mountain or a first flower given to someone special. Life happens fast and it is only the people that grasp and understand how special each of these individual moments are that will truly live fulfilled. Deep Creek Lake is a wonderfully special place that gives us such amazing opportunities to enjoy so many facets of mountain rural living with a subtle splash of a resort community. Here are a few photos of our two young boys yesterday enjoying their first tube ride.

If you need help finding your dream home here at the lake to create those memories, trust someone who has eleven generations of family history and a lifetime of real estate history. Call Betsy Spiker Holcomb 301.616.5022, Betsy@DeepCreekVacations.com, www.DeepCreekLakeProperty.com.