Festival of Trees Garrett County is a favorite holiday season event. It is fun for the entire family and benefits an important cause. Like many events, this year will be different due to COVID-19. The festival organizers came up with a way to continue the tradition in a safe, virtual way.

Festival of Trees Garrett County 2020
The 13th Annual Festival of Trees will be a virtual tree decorating contest. Unlike years past, these trees will not actually be auctioned or available for purchase. They are simply entered into a decorating contest.
There will be three classes:
1) Individual
2) Commercial
3) Junior (16 and under)
Participants must send 6 photos of their trees and the entry form to dovecenter@gcdovecenter.org by November 27th. The photos will be uploaded to the contest tab of the Festival of Trees website.
You can vote for a tree by making a donation to the Dove Center, designated for that tree. The cost per vote will be $5 and multiple votes are encouraged. The contest runs from December 7th through December 21st.
Prizes for trees that bring in the most donations include:
Individual: $200 Gift Card to Dutch’s at Silver Tree
Business: Free Snowflake level sponsorship for Festival of Trees 2021
Junior: 6 Passes to Garrett 8 Cinemas
Tree designers are encouraged to share and market their tree on social media.
Donate $50 or more, and you can request a letter from Santa, an autographed picture of Sparkles the Elf, and a small treat to be mailed to a child of their choice.
If you would like to design a tree, visit the Festival of Trees Facebook page for an application. You can direct questions to Heather at 301-334-6255 or email dovecenter@gcdovecenter.org.
About the Dove Center
The Festival of Trees is an important fundraiser for the Dove Center. They provide safety, advocacy, and counseling to individuals who have been impacted by domestic violence and/or sexual assault. They also work to increase public awareness of those issues. Their work in our community is critical for the people who are affected.