Dock Dogs McHenry Maryland. Dock Dogs is leaving positive footprints throughout the world as it currently continues to grow in popularity among all ages, races, and creeds. Deep Creek Lake was very fortunate to once again have these talented canines and dedicated owners display physical talents that would parallel Michael Jordan in human terms. I was lucky enough to catch these wonderful doggies competing in both long and high jump competitions and I can tell you with certainty that these dock dogs rock!

It was absolutely apparent that the dogs were having just as much fun, if not more, than the spectators. The owners of these special pets would get their dogs revved up during the 30-second time limit they had to complete their jump and every one had their own pre-jump ritual. After they set the dogs loose to make the big jump it was fun to watch not only the dogs jump, but also to see the way the owners moved and gyrated. They used body language techniques to “make” their dog sail through the air higher and in some cases defying the laws of physics by moving to the left and right while in the air!

Dogs had fun, owners gained a few grey hairs, and spectators fell in love with every dog as well as getting Dockdogs deeply ingrained in their hearts! Don’t miss it next year!