Greetings from Deep Creek Lake-Art and Wine Festival. It’s hard to believe that Labor Day has come and gone. This also means that some of our ice cream shops will be closing up for the year or going to fall hours. It was only right that Griffin get one ice cream cone of his own before the season endedJ. And believe it or not, Jensen has been in the real estate business since day 6 of his life. He’s a seasoned veteran now, using a smartphone and all, at the ripe ole age of 11 weeks!
Boating on the lake after Labor Day can be a real reward for very little traffic and still good water temperatures. The lakefront restaurants will not pull their docks until after Autumn Glory so there’s plenty of time to dine by boat.
Coming up this weekend…the Deep Creek Lake Art & Wine Festival. Details can be found on their website and below. This is a wonderful event that benefits two great organizations – HART for Animals and GLAF (Garrett Lakes Arts Festival).
Date: September 5, 2014 – September 7, 2014
Event Description: The festival includes wine, regional artists, children’s area, silent auction, live music and lots more!
Friday: Wine Pairing Dinners at Participating Restaurants
Saturday: Art & Wine Festival Noon – 6 pm. Rain or Shine. Garrett County Fairgrounds
Sunday: Sunday brunch at area restaurants

Also, be sure to mark your calendar for the 2014 World Championships Canoe/Slalom Race from September 17-21 at ASCI & the 47th Annual Autumn Glory Festival from October 8-12 in Oakland.
The Betsy Spiker Holcomb Team’s featured Listings are:, all of which have had wonderful price reductions in the last week. And, here are the other properties from the MLS that have recently incurred a price change:
The seasons are about to change, making it an opportune time to seek out a property that meets your needs before our inventory decreases for the winter. Let us know if we can answer any questions you have. Enjoy your week!