Deep Creek Lake-SavageMan Triathlon. Ever wonder how people gain the mental strength to endure three physically challenging sports events combined into one race? Come witness for yourself the SavageMan Triathlon hosted this weekend at Deep Creek Lake, Maryland.”Whether you believe you can, or you cannot, you are right” comes to mind as I try to conceive how the human mind and body can push itself to this level of competition. When’s the last time you swam, biked, and then ran Olympic distances over the mountainous terrain we have here in Garrett County? My answer to this question is never!
Check out the schedule for this Saturday and Sunday and make time to cheer on these elite athletes who will blow your mind and maybe inspire you to get in shape. Surely we can all pick up the pace in our athletic lives by pulling inspiration from these warriors.
Check out the differences between the two big races this weekend…
SavageMan 70.0 mile triathlon-1.2 mile swim, 55.7 mile bike, 13.1 mile run
SavageMan 30.0 mile Triathlon-0.9 mile swim, 22.9 mile bike, 6.2 mile run