Deep Creek Lake Waterfalls
Garrett County Waterfalls- Deep Creek Lake. Next time you are visiting Deep Creek Lake, be sure to visit Swallow Falls State Park and experience a trip back in time with three spectacular waterfalls. Only a short walk from the parking area is the breathtaking 53’ Muddy Creek Falls. It is the highest waterfall in the state ofMaryland and used to be a regular campsite for Harvey Firestone, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford in the early twentieth century. The park has towering ancient Hemlock trees and trails that will take you to two more waterfalls that both have unique personalities.SwallowFalls exists because of a huge bottleneck in the mightyYoughioghenyRiver that increases the water flow causing it to explode over an enormous rock outcropping. This is a great place to bring the kids during the summer to let them slide on the rocks and swim in the refreshing river. LittleTolliverFalls is a short walk upstream and is a favorite of mine to photograph. It is tucked a few footsteps from theYoughRiver and has a very peaceful setting that can keep you mesmerized for hours with its soothing calm. Make sure you enjoy this beautiful part of our great country on your next visit to the lake. Like me, you will become a regular at returning to these special places over and over again, each time blowing you away like the first time you laid eyes on these national treasures.