Deep Creek Lake WVU Fans

September 4, 2010 and we get out first cool fall-like morning,
waking up to 50 degree temperatures and the start of college football season. There are a lot of West Virginia University fans here at Deep Creek Lake and I’m pretty confident that I’m at the top of the list of passionate football fans.
I started going to the WVU games when I was 4 years old and haven’t missed a season in 27 seasons. My sweet grandmother would stitch me really cute Mountaineer cheerleading outfits and I would chant as loud as I could cheering on my team.
I have many exciting football-based memories with my friends and family. We traditionally show up 3-4 hours before the game and get our tailgating groove on with a huge clan of WVU fans. Morgantown is a hardcore football town that shows immense pride in their beloved team.
As I pack up the car this morning with my tailgating gear my stomach already stirs with excitement in anticipation of hearing the Mountaineer Marching Band blasting out Mylan Puskar stadium, and the Mountain man mascot firing a shot out of his period rifle leading the team on the field! LETS GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!!