If you are sitting in your office dreaming of enjoying virgin corduroy ski slopes with your family and friends, I have one question for you…why aren’t you here?? After all, this is the time of the year when you can find the slopes with minimal traffic and fantastic conditions. I passed by Wisp Resort today on the way to work and saw two snowboarders on the first runs of Mainstreet throwing up huge rooster tails on the freshly groomed slope. Passing the lodge area confirmed my thoughts on the “crowds”. They are non-existent during the week days and manageable on the weekend. Normally we see a huge peak of traffic during the Martin Luther King Holiday and then things taper off to a steady through February leading up to the Deep Creek Dunk on 2/25. This is also a great time to look at real estate in between winter sports and making merry. Call Taylor-Made Deep Creek Vacations & Sales to find a last minute vacation rental home or call Betsy Holcomb at 301-616-5022 to sit down and discuss the real estate options here at the lake!