Winter Fest takes place every President’s Day Weekend. Held in downtown Oakland, there are lots of fun activities for everyone. Most importantly, many activities are free! It is a great way to spend time with family and friends as you celebrate the winter season. Oakland is about 15 minutes from Deep Creek, so it is also an easy drive if you are just visiting for the weekend.
Ice sculpture at Winter Fest.
Winter Fest Events
Winter Fest kicks off on Saturday, February 17, 2019. The first live ice carving starts at 9AM. Bill Sandusky, a master ice carver, shows off his work with live demos throughout the day. Also, there are pre-carved sculptures placed throughout the downtown area. You can stroll along the streets to check them out. Maps are available so that you can see them all. They are on display both Saturday and Sunday.
Betsy Spiker Holcomb Deep Creek Lakes Favorite Realtor
The Autumn Glory Festival
Deep Creek Lake The Autumn Glory Festival
Beautiful autumn is here at Deep Creek Lake. We are enjoying cooler, sweatshirt weather at the moment as the leaves are slowly starting to show a bit of color as of late. Did you know that the Annual Autumn Glory Festival in next door Oakland, Maryland was voted #1 by What a great time to make an excuse to take a long weekend off from work and head out on a road trip to be with us here at Deep Creek Lake. You may miss the annual kick off reception dance/dinner on Wednesday night, but get here for the fireman’s parade on Thursday night. You will be elbow to elbow with folks of all ages lining the streets of Oakland watching this very popular local event.
Did I mention the Oom-Pah band?? The Oakland fire hall becomes the center of Octoberfest with German style foods and the old school sounds of the Oom-Pah band. Do not miss this event!! Be sure to bring the kids so you can get out on the dance floor and get into a delightful time-warp to the old world.
Friday you can watch the Maryland State Banjo and Fiddle Championship. If I’m not mistaken they will also have a Mandolin pick off as well. You will be amazingly entertained by the talent of the pickers who show up to get their bluegrass groove on.
Saturday the locals line up on beautiful 2nd and 3rd Street to watch the festival’s Grand Feature Parade. Front yards will be packed with locals in kind of a tailgating atmosphere getting ready for the parade to begin. Then the doors are opened to marching bands, clowns, mini motor cycles and go-carts, floats…you name it, it all comes together to make one heck of a fun afternoon.
The Autumn Glory Car, Truck & Tractor show finishes the weekend up on Sunday with polished classic beauties.
Take a few vacation days from work, call in with the sniffles, or just play hooky and bee-line yourself to see us this weekend at Deep Creek Lake and have a fun filled weekend before winter gets it’s claws in you.