Deep Creek Lake Art and Wine Festival

I feel fall in the air here at Deep Creek Lake. Summertime lake activities are grinding down, there is a hint of color on a few trees, and I am gearing my mind toward all the wonderful things that fall has to offer. First on the list is the Deep Creek Lake Art and Wine Festival,which kicks of the start of the fall season.
This year’s annual event will be held September 10-12 and I am proud to work for a company who helps support and sponsors this popular festival. Year after year, Long & Foster supports and volunteers in many events here at the lake to help needy causes, to stimulate great events/activities and to lead the way in community participation. The Art and Wine Festival is a benefit for the American Red Cross and they have a delicious lineup of all your favorite types of wines.
The events include handcrafted art works by local and regional artisans. Aside from the wine tasting, this is my favorite part of the festival. I have great respect for artists, painters, woodworkers, quilt makers, photographers, jewelry makers, and many other interesting things for sale. Last year I purchased some amazing framed flower portraits for my home and some hand lathed salt and pepper shakers made with a dozen or so local/exotic woods. Check out their website and a thorough calendar of events and activities.